I Played My Part
My dad once told me this great story..
Some of you might have heard or read about it..
Some might not..
It is called..
"A Starfish Story"
One day, a young man was taking a morning walk
along the beach and enjoying the peaceful tumble of
waves crashing on the shore.
In the distance, he saw an old man bending down,
picking something up and tossing it gently into the sea.
The old man was doing this repeatedly over and over.
Curiously, the young man approached the old man
to find out what he was doing. The young man noticed
it was low tide and the beach was covered with starfish.
The young man came closer still and called out..
"Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?"
The old man answered..
"I am throwing these starfish back into the sea."
"The sun is up and the tide is going out."
"If I don't throw them in, they'll die."
The young man saw hundreds and hundreds
of starfish up and down the beach.
He asked..
"But why? There are hundreds of starfish on the beach."
"You can't possibly make any difference."
The old man looked down, picked up another starfish
and tossed it gently back into the sea.
He turned back to the young man and said..
"Well, it sure made a difference to that one."

(credit to Loren C. Eiseley for this incredible story)
Hari Sabtu yg baru lepas nie..
28 Mac 2009..
Sangatlah hype dengan saranan
'Earth Hour' yg banyak giler dialertkan
through media & broadcasting.. ;|
The build-up ke 8.30pm pada hari tersebut
pasti membuatkan most of us tertanya-tanya,
bagaimanalah agaknya rupa ketika sambutan event itu.. ;)
Tiba jam 8.30 malam, ku pon tutop
segala lampu dan peralatan elektrik yg ada di dlm rumah..
Dan lebih menarik, ku tengok jiran² kiri kanan ku
pon rumahnya jadi gelap gelita juga.. ;D
Ha ha, ku pon jadi excited laa, macam budak kecik pon ada..
Memikirkan pasti seronok jika pergi meronda-ronda
sepanjang satu jam yg bermula dari 8.30-9.30 itu.. ;p
Ku berharap sangat masa round² tu
untuk tengok suasana sekeliling kurang berlampu..
Kononnya ala² blackout laa kan.. ;D
Akan tetapi..
feedback yg ku dapat agak menghampakan.. -_-
Sekali lalu, kebanyakan rumah pon terang benderang je..
Dapat bayangkan tak camne down nye
perasaan ku ketika itu..
Seperti mereka semua langsung tidak peduli
dengan saranan 'Turn Off Your Lights' itu.. >=(
Ku tahu, pasti ada ramai di luar sana
yg meng-isukan dan berkata kepada diri sendiri..
"Macam laa beza sangat dunia kalo aku tutup lampu sejam tu"
Mentaliti sebegini lah
yg sebenarnya harus diperbetulkan.. >:|
Memang laa dengan mata kasar kita takkan
nampak perbezaan ketara effect 'earth hour' nie..
Tapi at least dalam diri rasa puas, sebab knowing
yg kita dah contribute sedikit sebanyak..
Kerna in the end, yg penting 'na wai tu' kita tu.. ;(
Pape pon, ku personally tabik warga² di Sydney
kerna usaha mereka back in 2007 telah menjadikan
'earth hour' ini sebagai satu global event.. :)

p/s: Pandai² laa korang padankan 'moral of the story' dari kisah starfish tu dengan entry cerita ku tentang 'Earth Hour' ini k.. ;|