Guane Ganu ?
Early of November, it was my first weekend after going through 3 tiring days of internship. Christopher Edgar (sahabs) called me on the phone, to confirm on our so called trip to Kuala Terengganu (KT). JOINING MEMBERS : Myself, Christ, Sogo, Abu, Sabri and Ain. PURPOSE OF VISIT : Mencari hidangan sotong National Geographic yang digembar-gemburkan. >:) He he..
So we took off from Cheras at 8.30pm roughly. Sogo was riding with me, while the rest was with Sabri. Because of unnecessary circumstances, we did not convoy even though we're going in two separate cars. We decided to meet up straight in KT.
We reached the destination at about 2am in the morning. However, everything messed up. WHY? Because all of the hotels in KT are fully booked. WHY? In conjunction with the "FEI World Endurance Championship 2008 in Terengganu". >:(

After a long night of calling and searching for a place to stay, finally we did found one hotel. RM50 for one night, cheap but seriously, the place suck so bad! Imagine many rooms but every guest has to share one same toilet. THE HORROR!! No wonder it was the only hotel that still had available rooms. I'd rather not talk and describe that experience right here, sorry.. :|
The next day, the first thing we did in the morning was to move out from that creepy hotel and find a new place to stay. Thank God, there was a decent beach resort. That settles one problem. Come afternoon, misi mencari SOTONG bermula..
So Ismahadi (Boh), our campusmate, pure KT-born fella, came along. He guided us to this place where sotong & ikan kembung (tepung) dijual seperti pisang goreng. Orang berebut-rebut kot nak sotong legend tu. Serius sedap! Tak percaya? Tengok muka Sogo penuh semangat menikmatinya.. :|

Ha ha!
The meal on our table :D