Award? Bye 08 Hye 09`
Before this, it took me a while to figure out how 'TAG' works. Suddenly, I received an 'AWARD' from Azri Azyan a.k.a Si Gadis. However, this time I couldn't solve the mystery behind it. (The How-To-Receive-An-Award-Question). A kind advice from any bloggers out there would help. Tengs :D
Anyways, on the last night of 2008 that day, my family decided to go out and join the new year's celebration party at KLCC. At first we thought that the road-to-get-there will be busy, but we were left wondering when it was clear all the way to KLCC. There was no traffic jamm at all even at 10 pm, as if there was no celebration going on. :|
Once we're there, the first thing we did was to find dinner! All the floors in KLCC were closed due to safety reasons I guess, except for the LG floor. Therefore, we were left with only few options to dine, but in the end we chose...
So we're all pumped up, fully charged and ready to join the outdoor crowds. We had to follow a special route in order to get out of KLCC.
There were too many people to be exact. From Malaysians to non-Malaysians, it was like 'people-sandwich'. But the view was very nice! ;)

Penat je standby konon nak tangkap gambar 12:00 kat Menara Maxis ni. Sekali countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.. pukol 12 tepat, serentak fireworks pon keluar jugak. Teros aku pusing belakang dan snap pix2 ini...

...sehinggakan aku tak sedar yang aku termiss '12:00' kat menara tu. :( Well, what to do. There's always next year right? ;) We spent the remaining hours of that night taking some more pictures...

...before we finally head back home. Not to forget, its 1st of Jan 09 already. We have to wear rear seat belts! Damn. >:(